Author Archives: Mellissa Bushby

About Mellissa Bushby

Editor ǀ Illustrator | Writer

Tart, cats, memories…and the sea.

Hello. Been a while…some things are hard to explain. And some things shouldn’t need to be explained, if you but think about them. Melancholy? Well, maybe a bit. Do you know, when I was little, I often wished the fairies would come, like they do in books, and spirit me away to some wonderland …but they never did. But life goes on. And there’s always Mark Knopfler…remember, the dice was loaded from the start…

I have a new phone, and while I’m not really interested in what all it can do, and frankly don’t know half of what it does do, it makes certain things remarkably easy. I’m a bit old-fashioned like that, and would much rather grub about in the garden than sit on the computer, but take Pinterest, for example. I have been quite busy on Pinterest lately (its a fad, I’ll get bored with it soon), but its also a connection. I can’t help but wonder though – what does it really all mean? I always thought people who spend time on these things had no life, no books, no garden, no cats…and no one. (Having said that, I am trying to get the hang of ‘Instagram’, its all about photography, which I love, so its not quite the same thing. You’ll see my boys there… and maybe a few spiders.

Sometimes it feels a bit like being on the outside looking in… all these beautiful and hopeful things should be IN your world, not things you ‘pin’ on a virtual corkboard, things like hey, maybe someday; or never, ever forget. But, its certainly useful for nice ideas, and perhaps it has its place, if just for now. To help one remember, and to keep ones feet on the ground…or head in the clouds, depending. For now, its important to remember – and to know – that I am never reckless, as I once was. I do things right. And that’s a good thing. We grow and we learn. And besides, Sagittarians have to learn, sometimes the hard way, not to drive too fast. Sad for those left behind, but if you can make it through, then all the better.

Life, I think, is trying to teach me something which I thought I had (sort of) mastered, which is patience. But it seems I was mistaken. But I’m better at it, than I used to be. But sometimes the wondering is so hard. What it means. If it means anything at all. Someone said to me once, many years ago, ‘close your eyes and dig deep in your heart for the answer, you’ll feel it in your stomach, like a jolt’. Gut intuition, I guess. She was right though. I’ve done it many times since. But now…I’m not sure. I believe in destiny, always have. And that everything happens for a reason (just that the time was wrong).

Still, I have been busy. Bringing up boys…Aren’t they darling? Actually they can be devilish but how I adore them. How I wish for them to sink their little toes into beautiful blue waters, feel the sun on their salt-crusted skin, the delicious, heady sweetness of the fresh water from the shower, the taste that only comes with a South Coast ‘after-sea shower’, watching the sand wash off your feet in little rivers. We always used to say, ‘there is nothing quite like a shower at the coast’, and even now, sometimes when I switch my shower on, I remember, the hard gush of water on sun-kissed skin after the silky warm embrace of the ocean around my shoulders, and rough scratchy sand on the back of my legs. Someday, for sure. Someday soon. Remember the blue lines on the wall…

Rayne and Gelyn

And writing books… The end is in sight for the new one, and it’s looking fabulous. The photo shoot started last week, and the pictures that I’ve seen so far are gorgeous. I can’t wait to see it, when its all done, its chock full of deliciously yummy things. Kept me busy, though. I wonder, will you read it? Who knows, maybe someday you’ll even make that lusciously decadent salted chocolate and burnt orange tart. It’ll be worth it, I promise.

And cats. Somehow, I’ve ended up with 4 cats. Two that are legitimately my family members – Didius and Grymalkin – but recently Rayne took in a stray kitten (now called Mungo) and his older relative (we think father, now called Gus/Buck). These reprobates, especially Gus, have just moved in, after being quite wild. Rayne and Gelyn both seem to have rather a way with cats, and even feral or street cats just gravitate to them. These two are causing a lot of trouble. My darling Dubious Cattius hates them both, actually he hates all other cats, and doesn’t want to share me at all. So many possessive men. Frankly though, I don’t really want any more cats, but who can turn them away? I have always believed that you never know what form angels (or Zen Masters) might take….


Beautiful Grym

Beauteous Poodle

Didius Falco (aka Dubious Cattius). Look at him, isn’t he gorgeous?

Here’s something for you, from long ago. Just a memory. I was in matric, when this fellow came along. He wasn’t very big then, but now, well, just look how he has grown, he’s taller than me. And yes, he is still in a pot, if you look closely you can see it, he has travelled around with me all over. I wouldn’t ever leave him behind.

Delicious Monster

Monstera deliciosa

So, the Sea. How I long for it, strangely at some times more than others. Like now. Especially long, luscious quiet South Coast beaches that remain in my thoughts and heart from an early age. Foraging around in rock pools, looking for treasures that skitter and hide when you come near, or glisten and shine in the sunlight, hard and cold in your hands. Part of me wants to scream and rant and rave, and that wouldn’t be right. But oh, how I want to go! But then, there’s also the part that grew up, and knows that right now, I can’t. And I guess that’s ok. But how I miss her. Soft and yielding, gentle waves warmly welcoming, with just a hint of salt and a delicious chill in the autumn air…maybe the anticipation of something wonderful to come. This is my weakness, how fortunate are those who are near her. It isn’t something I would ever take for granted again.

See, I’m all grown up now. I can’t help but wonder though, if I ever haunt those windswept, beloved shores.


‘Someone told me long ago

That there’s a calm before the storm

I know, it’s been coming for some time

When it’s over so they say,

It’ll rain on sunny days, I know

Shining down like water,

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?

Coming down on a sunny day…’


‘For he comes, the human child,
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world’s more full of weeping than he can understand.’

WB Yeats

Glorious, isn’t it? Bloody fairies! Wonder why they never came for me? I’m not sure how far I can trust my gut anymore, but for good or ill I am still in this world, and I guess that means that whatever’s meant to be, will always be.

Sweet dreams…

xxx   AW Avatar

Long Shadows on a Lonely Beach

A while ago one of my articles was chosen for Good Veg, which is an online magazine powered by the rather fabulous Squidoo. I’m going to start contributing a bit more there, it’s good exposure for my books and lots of fun to do. The first posts will be coming through soon. Speaking of books, the final edits are coming in for the new one. The home stretch is in sight, at last. Yay! After a lot of hard work, I am almost there. I love it though, and I so look forward to seeing the end product. I mustn’t forget what a lucky girl I am, publishing houses are very picky these days, and to be published in hardcover (twice!) in todays economic climate is quite something. And sadly, print isn’t what it used to be, with the digital age creeping up on us more and more.

But, if ever the day comes when you can’t get REAL books, I think I shall die. I’m not very good with reading and socialising on the internet, though it may seem that way. I’m still not entirely sure how Pinterest works, even though I have to say that as social media goes, this is probably my favourite. Having said that, I’m an old-fashioned girl and still like to read (and write) real letters. My friends, most of whom are scattered all over the globe now, only believe in facebook and email. So boring!

Its a bit of a quandary, really, because loving trees as I do, I shall be glad that they will no longer have to be chopped down and cut up to make paper….crinkly, brittle and yellowed paper that smells like dusty attics and ancient cobbled streets after the rain, and brings to mind the Olde Curiosity Shoppe; or fresh and crisp and springy, like new money and the promise of delights to come; high adventures and tall tales; pirates and knights; princes, Skook’s (the Skook!), Heathcliff’s (yes, I still bang on about Heathcliffe) and forever after, and of course dreams and treasures and most importantly, Great White Sharks. One of my absolute favourite books in the world (and I have many) is one my dad bought me for my 19th birthday (a lifetime ago, a different time and a very different girl) by Jean-Michel Cousteau. I remember finding a jawbone of a shark once. I love bones and the like (yes, still), and I wanted it so badly, but it wasn’t quite ready for going on my bedroom shelf. We buried it for the ants to do their thing, at the entrance to the beach path, but then couldn’t find it….I wonder if its still there.


When the silky salt water touches my skin, and I smell its strong salty sea-smell, gulping it down deep into my chest, and I feel the rough, scratchy sand between my toes, and hear the waves shushing and sighing like the gentle caress of a lover, then I know why I am here, in this world.

Don’t you think I need to be near the sea?

And this is for my beautiful, beloved children, and for all those with a bit of Blackbeard in their soul… oh! and also for the young at heart:

There was a single blue line of crayon drawn across every wall in the house. What does it mean? I asked. A pirate needs the sight of the sea, he said and then he pulled his eye patch down and turned and sailed away.
―     Brian Andreas, from Story People

I have that. On at least 3 different walls in my house I have blue lines, which is what comes from leaving blue koki pens lying around. At first I was cross, but now I know why he does it, and I understand. I feel the same. Someday we’ll have the real thing, and we won’t need blue lines drawn on the wall. Until then, I will leave them there, to remind us….and it makes me smile.

I leave you with another long shadow.

Hey, where did we go
Days when the rains came?
Down in the hollow
Playing a new game,
Laughing and a-running, hey, hey,
Skipping and a-jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our hearts a-thumping
And you, my brown-eyed girl

Does it also have a long reach?

The thing is, sometimes all you can do is wonder.

xxx AW Avatar

Romeo & Juliet, Delightful Nightmares and Christmas Eve Songs

Shark Savers sent this out in December 2011. I think it is wonderful, and revisit it every year.



 T’was a Shark-y Night before Christmas

T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the seas
All the creatures were swimming, at peace and at ease.
The finners at dock, not catching a thing,
A sea shanty of yore instead did they sing.Children everywhere nestled   snug in their beds,
Visions of healthy reefs swirled in their heads.
And Shark Savers everywhere in their Shark Savers’ gear
Headed to the ocean to see if sharks might be near.When out on the waters there arose such a clatter,
We donned our dive-gear to check on the matter.
Away to the reef we swam in a flash,
And spied a habitat, devoid of all trash!Moon on the crests of the rippling waves
Gave the lustre of mid-day to animals saved.
When, what to our wondering eyes should we find,
But a magical ship, surrounded by marine life, all kinds.With a little old diver, so lively and quick,
We knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than tunas his escorts they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

“Now Thresher! now, Mako! now, Spinner and White Tip!
On, Tiger! On, Silky! on, Dusky and Black Tip!
To the top of the sea! to the nearest sea-wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”

As wild waves that before the wild hurricane flail,
When met with an obstacle, they set a broad sail.
So across the seven seas the entourage flew,
With the ship full of hope, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, we heard in the air
The splashing and leaping of each shark that was there.
As we surfaced to see, and looked all around,
Onto the bowsprit, St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in kelp, from his feet to his dome,
And his clothes were glistening with splashes of sea-foam.
A bundle of tools he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a sailor, just opening his pack.

His eyes — how they twinkled! Full of mischievous scheme!
His cheeks were like roses, his face from a dream!
His droll little mouth was smiling so wide,
The beard of his chin neatly braided each side.

A dive knife he held tight in his teeth,
Wrapped in seaweed like a small Christmas wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, more pirate than elf,
And he laughed when he saw us, in spite of himself!
A wink of his eye and a tilt of his head,
Soon gave us to know we had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Cutting nets and long-lines with a quick, final jerk.
Then raised his arms in a victory pose,
And giving a nod, up to the ocean surface he rose!

He sprang to his ship, then to the sharks gave a cheer,
And away they all swam, finally free, without any fear.
But we heard him exclaim, ‘ere he sailed out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a safe-night!”

Author of this shark-y parody: Samantha Whitcraft
 Santa shark image: Mary O’Malley
 According to Wikipedia, the poem, A Visit from St. Nicholas, was first   published anonymously in 1823 and generally attributed to Clement Clarke   Moore, although the claim has also been made that it was written by Henry   Livingston, Jr.

So, isn’t that glorious? But I have to say, this whole story in itself is turning into a sharky tale, when it should actually be all about food and books. Oh well.

Its also around the time to dig out (although admittedly I don’t need to dig far as its always quite close at hand) another one of my absolute favourites, the marvellous, fabulous, darling Jack Skellington. Don’t you adore him?


I do. I absolutely adore him.

Here’s another some kind of wonderful for Christmas Eve, I have been indulging in this great man’s crooning for most of the day…and I shall start it up first thing in the morning!

Juliet, the dice was loaded from the start
And I bet and you exploded into my heart
And I forget, I forget, the movie song.
When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet?

It is still one of my favourites, but be careful, it also stays with you…

It is time for bed. I must put the proverbial milk and ginger biscuits out…the cats will certainly enjoy them, if no one else does. Although, how will we ever know?

May it be a very happy, magical, mystical and wonderful Christmas, and may all your dreams come true.

Good night, and as always, sleep tight.

MTB  xxx AW Avatar

Birthdays. And a Great White Shark.

I was reading my book in my room yesterday, and I heard, through the window, the strangest thing. Cat Stevens, from Teaser and the Firecat. It wasn’t Wild World, but something similar, and it took me back – Cat Stevens, Journey (my favourite – highway run, into the midnight sun, wheels go round and round, on my mind), Creedence, Supertramp, the Everly Brothers (ghosts, and memories)….and of course, the absolute best, best ever, Mark Knopfler (and yes, he is still better than Eric Clapton! So there!)

I miss the sea, and sometimes this time of year makes one feel nostalgic and ever so sad. I have a very old friend (we were in Milton Primary together, way back when, just to show my age) who always says ‘its time now, for you to move down South…’


Isn’t he glorious?

Sleep tight.


Remember this?

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well they’d be singing so happily,
joyfully, playfully watching me.
But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible,
logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
clinical, intellectual, cynical.

There are times when all the world’s asleep,
the questions run too deep
for such a simple man.
Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.

Now watch what you say or they’ll be calling you a radical,
liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won’t you sign up your name, we’d like to feel you’re
acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable!

At night, when all the world’s asleep,
the questions run so deep
for such a simple man.
Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.

Sleep tight and sweet, sweet dreams.


Rhinobatidae and Butternut Muffins

Butternut Muffins

I had a few to many butternuts lurking in my kitchen a while back, and as I’m not the biggest fan of butternut soup, I decided to make some muffins. Improvising a bit here, and a bit more there, which is how most of my recipes come about – sheer experimentation – I came up with something quite nice. Very nice, actually. The butternut was soft and sweet (it was roasted until slightly caramelised), and the muffins were moist on the inside and crunchy on the outside – a light sprinkling of treacle sugar over the top before baking gave the muffins a slight crust, and voila! a perfect tea-time treat. They were a little dense inside, most likely because I pureed the butternut – next time I’ll just mash it a bit, and also perhaps use a bit of soda water, to give them some bubbles.

Here is the recipe:

2 cups cake flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/3 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 cup roasted/boiled/steamed and mashed butternut (1 small butternut)

1/3 cup canola or sunflower oil

2 tablespoons vinegar

1 tablespoon vanilla

1 1/4 – 1  1/2  cups apple juice/water

preheat oven to 180 degrees C.

Butter and flour a large, 6 muffin baking tray, or a smaller 12 muffin baking tray.

Stir together the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl, I use a whisk.

In a separate, smaller bowl, mix together the wet ingredients until well combined.

Make a well in the middle of the dry mixture, add the wet.

Stir well to amalgamate everything.

If the mixture is very dry, add a little more water or juice, the consistency must be just pourable, but not sloppy.

Spoon the mixture out equally into your chosen muffin tray.

Sprinkle a little treacle sugar over the top (actually, any sugar works, I just like the rich, crumbly sweetness of treacle sugar).

Bake for about 25 – 30 minutes, until the tops are crusty and a knife inserted comes out clean.

Leave to cool on a wire rack and enjoy!

Today, I am trying out apple muffins. Like soup, muffins are fabulous for using up sad, slightly past their prime goodies lurking in the fridge. Hopefully they turn out well. So far, the house smells heavenly, and that isn’t only because there is rain in the air. All I need now is a cup of strong tea, and to look out the window and see the swirling waters and slate-grey shadows of a storm tossed sea. Some things never change.


Photo by: LASZLO ILYES from Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Guitar Fish, or Shark Ray. Dating back to the Lower Jurassic period, the fossil record of this genus goes back about 150 million years. They are beautiful, harmless creatures, persecuted by (surprise surprise) small-minded humans. Why can’t these people leave anything alone? I had a manager once who was a brilliant fellow. He always said that people who kill things are afraid of them, like people who chop down big, beautiful trees (this is a crime, in my book) do so because those trees are older, and wiser; and people who hunt do so because they feel small and inferior, so if you don’t understand it, and it makes you feel stupid, well, best to just crush it. There is no evolution here, nor is there any inkling or spark of kindness, let alone intelligence.

Jeremy Mansfield has an interesting comment on his Facebook page regarding the recent furore about the so called ‘huntress’. I won’t put the picture here because I hate it, and I hate to see it. (Hate is a big word, and I don’t often use it, but in this case nothing else will do.) I also won’t repeat the word he used used here, because, well, I’m a good girl….but if the shoe fits….Having said that, every time I see it, or someone mentions it, I think of just how appropriate the word is. And a few choice others besides. Still, it does no good to be vengeful, but I have to ask – why bring such bad karma down on yourself? My goodness, to do such a thing – such a majestic creature – well, that’s asking for trouble. She must have a very low opinion of herself. Its all about respect, in a way, isn’t it. And not only for others.

“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” 
―     Thomas A. Edison

“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”  
―     Leonardo da Vinci

So, as I was saying, Guitar Fish (it seems I went right off the point, this is actually about fish and not spineless people), or Batoid elasmobranchs, under which rays and skates, including guitar fishes (Rhinobatidae) fall, are very closely allied with sharks, hence the name Shark Ray. They are highly complex animals with large brains, and they engage in intricate social behaviour. I am busy sketching one of these wonderful creatures in graphite washes, my little boy loves them, so I thought I’d inspire him a bit. This is where we are at, for now:

Preliminary Sketch

Preliminary Sketch

I remember, we found one once, in another lifetime. He was so very lovely, and had been washed ashore. The memory of that fish has always stayed with me, along with Nudibranchs, fishcals, eels in rock pools. I often wonder what those rock pools look like now… But again I digress. The point is, what will the world be without sharks, tigers, guitar fish, lions, rhinos…It seems they are disappearing before my very eyes, and the world is winding down.

Every year my mother travels to India for a month in December, on a spiritual pilgrimage, for yoga and meditation. She has done this since my dad died in 2006, and she lives for this trip. This year the trip has been postponed until March, and she is completely deflated. It seems to me that in places like this, some things never change, they have stayed the same since time immemorial, and somewhere in themselves those people, who have nothing, find the ability to just give. They give of their time, their food, whatever they have, and they simply carry on. One wonders if there isn’t a simple, pure joy in having so little. The children laugh and smile, and are always so happy. I think we complicate our lives with things and with selfishness. And in the case of many, with greed. I haven’t travelled much, although I’d love to, ever, ever so much. I especially want to go to the Fertile Crescent, and see where the Sea Peoples, Persians and Assyrians plied their daily wares and lived in a world more complete than ours. And of course, to Italy and Greece, to see where the muses and saints went about their daily business among the olive groves and vineyards.

Some things, as I say, never change.

“There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about the sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of a hidden soul beneath”

– Herman Melville (1819 – 1891)

As always, sweet dreams, and sleep tight.



Arabian Nights

Sometimes lately I feel a little lost. Not sure why, I think its because the sea is so far away. My dad always said that the sea is a cure for anything, sadness, loneliness, aches, pains….whatever it was, the sea made it better, and he was right. Indeed, as Isak Dinesen said “The cure for anything is salt water – tears, sweat or the sea”. How true!

Oh well, Sagittarians are never glum for (too) long, and besides, there is another solace for the soul, and that is good food. A crusty homemade rosemary flatbread, with shards of crystal sea salt and cracked black pepper, dipped in just a little liquidy golden-green extra virgin olive oil and syrupy, heavenly balsamic. I think I shall go and make some now, with the darling Mark Knopfler to keep me company.

© Random House/Struik/Mellissa Bushby

This is from the Veg Kitchen. Yum! Don’t you think?

I have started work on a new book, mainly just a few sketches of herbs and edible wildflowers. I have had many requests for more veggie braai recipes, so I will put more in, the new book already has a whole chapter dedicated to this favourite South African pastime. I am also hoping to spend more time on my drawings and sketches, I have realised that I never draw just for me anymore, its always for a deadline, or a book or something. Actually I don’t draw much at all anymore (but please take note of my Sunflower, on my banner. Sunflowers are so cheerful, I think). Anyway, I always seem to be too busy with other things, and somehow I’ve lost the way, and must now find it again.

So, on the bright side, all my loves and inspirations can at last be brought out and dusted off, pens, inks, wildflowers, trees, frogs, insects, and glorious sharks!!! I have been promising the Great White in the sky a worthy tribute, and seeing as its been such a tough year, this is the time. It has become something I love to do, just to sketch the natural things of the world, perhaps because there is actually so much darkness and cruelty out there, especially of late.

My other great love of course, is books. I love books, and maybe one day mine will be whimsical and daring and soul-defyingly wonderful. Merchant of Marvels and Peddler of Dreams wonderful. Achingly, deeply, dare to dream and forever wonderful. What better adventure, dream or fantasy to be had, other than lost in a good book… Treasure Island, with handsome, swashbuckling pirates (actually dirty old crooks, but why be pedantic?); Peter Pan, with sad, lonely lost boys, wandering in the mists of time …second star on the right, straight on til morning; Arabian Nights – hidden doorways and deadly tales, magic slippers … or perhaps spicy peppers….


And not to forget, the fabulous Jonathan Livingstone Seagull…to begin with, you’ve got to understand that a seagull is an unlimited idea of freedom, an image of the Great Gull, and your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip, is nothing more than thought itself…you can go to any time that you wish to go, I’ve gone everywhere and everywhen I can think of, the Elder said.


Go there! It’s not everyday you get to go everywhere and everywhen. And you never know, through the mists of time you may see Heathcliffe and Cathy, together, and beloved.

I have a very loved and well-read book called Living Zen, and somewhere inside it says:

Be Alive,

Be here – and know

the beat of your heart.

There you have it. I leave you with Richard Bach, saying ‘Do you ever wonder if your purpose on earth is fulfilled? If you are still alive, then it isn’t’.

Something like that, at any rate.

Goodnight, and sleep tight.



Of Spiders, Water Lilies, Apples…and a Cat

Malus pumila

Malus pumila

The above from the Veg Kitchen, now a Random House core product! Clever old me (oh yes, the glorious food photography people, my editor and stylist all played a small part…I guess). Looking forward to the next one, July seems so far away.

And because I cannot display photos of only one beautiful feline, here is the other one, my pretty boy, Grymalkin. Unlike Didius, he is a gentle giant, and not a scrapper at all. Both abandoned and ill-treated, I found them when still living on the chilli farm, and they are now, both in their own way, king of the hill. Ok, that’s actually not true – Didius is the boss, in every sense. Grym likes to concentrate on his next meal, then a comfy lap. These are the important things in life, along with lots of love.


The Timbi drive is growing, my drawing should appear on wine labels sometime next year, my little scratches on some of SA’s finest (hopefully there will be a nice full-bodied Merlot among them). The centre now have another four Rhino, which brings the amount up to seven. The Timbi t-shirts are being spotted all over the place, my aunt, who is a marathon runner (crazy thing to do, if you ask me) told me that while doing a biathlon recently, they stopped at a water point, and all the volunteers were wearing Timbi shirts!

On a different but just as exciting note, Africa Wild is compiling an online insect book, and have included two of my photos. I am hoping to do a few more!

See the links here (Fulvous hawk moth):

and here (Acacia katydid):

Mine are not nearly as impressive as some of them, bearing in mind that some of these contributors are professional photographers, but I am quite proud to be included (thanks Silvia). It inspires me to do more, and I definitely do not need an excuse to go out and take photographs, it’s one of my favourite pastimes. And entomology is a fascination of mine, although I have to say that although I love insects and find them fascinating, trees, frogs and flowers are my delight and joy. And who knows, maybe some day I’ll be REALLY good.

This lady lived with us for a while, about 6 months, and brought daily delight to my little boy, who thought she was the coolest thing ever (which she was, in a way). One day she was gone, she packed up all her things and left us, hopefully for greener pastures and not spider heaven. We miss her sorely.

Orb web spider dl

Orb Spider

And here is an example of one of my flower pictures, the very lovely Water Lily:

Water Lily

Water Lily

Now wouldn’t that make a pretty drawing?



Pendants, Plants, Candlelight & Cats

New kiln unpacking. Lots and lots of pestle and mortars, fresh herb jugs and a few lidded spice pots, but in among all these were a few treasures, heart-shaped pendants and tags, made for a wedding initially, but the idea has taken hold and what fun they are to make!

Here’s one, in beautiful blue:

pendant dl


And then, here is a piece from my new tealight range, with undulating rims, reminiscent of the rhythmic, hypnotic motion of the dancing  (oh! how I miss the sea) and delightful ocean, soft swells of grey-blue water:


tealight dl


I have been invited to participate in the H & L Night Market, a rather prestigious and posh affair. Sadly, I am unable to attend, but do try to go. Heres a bit more about it all:


And now, for my African Daisy. This is to be included in the new book (still no title! I must put on my thinking cap). I love Daisies, they are unpretentious and pretty, and oh so bewitchingly sweet, not alluring and exotic like lilies, or showy and fussy like orchids.

The illustrations are all done now, and all approved by my editor, for which I am very grateful. I enjoy doing them so much. Who would have thought such comfort could come from a fine ink pen and watercolours.


African Daisy

African Daisy


And last, but never least, my baby, at least one of them, Didius Cattius. He creeps into whatever I am doing now and then, because he is so gorgeous. Admittedly, he is very spoilt, but then honestly, who can resist him?





Lust Haves, from the glorious and fabulous I Want That:


Thanks Vicki, and Soap.

Its been a very, very hectic last few weeks…Orders flying in, and out, and a catastrophe (if you’ll excuse the pun). We have taken in an abandoned kitten, and the only safe (safe for her, that is) place to keep her is in my studio. The night before a planned bush trip, all my orders were up to date, three of them sitting snugly one next to the other on the top shelf.

Enjoying a glass of Merlot and thinking of the impending trip and how nice it would be to just get away without having to worry, I heard a suspiciously devastating-like sound. I went to investigate and discovered quite lot of my hard work in smithereens on the floor. Not good! Anyway, not to dwell on such disasters and always having been taught by my horse-trainer father that one must ‘get back in the saddle’ I pulled myself together and redid the broken items, so all’s well that ends well, and maybe, just maybe, they are a little better than before.

Some new ideas are imminent, time permitting…

Citrus Juicer

…and of course, Christmas is coming, and I love Christmas!