Monthly Archives: November 2013


Remember this?

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well they’d be singing so happily,
joyfully, playfully watching me.
But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible,
logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
clinical, intellectual, cynical.

There are times when all the world’s asleep,
the questions run too deep
for such a simple man.
Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.

Now watch what you say or they’ll be calling you a radical,
liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won’t you sign up your name, we’d like to feel you’re
acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable!

At night, when all the world’s asleep,
the questions run so deep
for such a simple man.
Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.

Sleep tight and sweet, sweet dreams.


Rhinobatidae and Butternut Muffins

Butternut Muffins

I had a few to many butternuts lurking in my kitchen a while back, and as I’m not the biggest fan of butternut soup, I decided to make some muffins. Improvising a bit here, and a bit more there, which is how most of my recipes come about – sheer experimentation – I came up with something quite nice. Very nice, actually. The butternut was soft and sweet (it was roasted until slightly caramelised), and the muffins were moist on the inside and crunchy on the outside – a light sprinkling of treacle sugar over the top before baking gave the muffins a slight crust, and voila! a perfect tea-time treat. They were a little dense inside, most likely because I pureed the butternut – next time I’ll just mash it a bit, and also perhaps use a bit of soda water, to give them some bubbles.

Here is the recipe:

2 cups cake flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/3 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 cup roasted/boiled/steamed and mashed butternut (1 small butternut)

1/3 cup canola or sunflower oil

2 tablespoons vinegar

1 tablespoon vanilla

1 1/4 – 1  1/2  cups apple juice/water

preheat oven to 180 degrees C.

Butter and flour a large, 6 muffin baking tray, or a smaller 12 muffin baking tray.

Stir together the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl, I use a whisk.

In a separate, smaller bowl, mix together the wet ingredients until well combined.

Make a well in the middle of the dry mixture, add the wet.

Stir well to amalgamate everything.

If the mixture is very dry, add a little more water or juice, the consistency must be just pourable, but not sloppy.

Spoon the mixture out equally into your chosen muffin tray.

Sprinkle a little treacle sugar over the top (actually, any sugar works, I just like the rich, crumbly sweetness of treacle sugar).

Bake for about 25 – 30 minutes, until the tops are crusty and a knife inserted comes out clean.

Leave to cool on a wire rack and enjoy!

Today, I am trying out apple muffins. Like soup, muffins are fabulous for using up sad, slightly past their prime goodies lurking in the fridge. Hopefully they turn out well. So far, the house smells heavenly, and that isn’t only because there is rain in the air. All I need now is a cup of strong tea, and to look out the window and see the swirling waters and slate-grey shadows of a storm tossed sea. Some things never change.


Photo by: LASZLO ILYES from Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Guitar Fish, or Shark Ray. Dating back to the Lower Jurassic period, the fossil record of this genus goes back about 150 million years. They are beautiful, harmless creatures, persecuted by (surprise surprise) small-minded humans. Why can’t these people leave anything alone? I had a manager once who was a brilliant fellow. He always said that people who kill things are afraid of them, like people who chop down big, beautiful trees (this is a crime, in my book) do so because those trees are older, and wiser; and people who hunt do so because they feel small and inferior, so if you don’t understand it, and it makes you feel stupid, well, best to just crush it. There is no evolution here, nor is there any inkling or spark of kindness, let alone intelligence.

Jeremy Mansfield has an interesting comment on his Facebook page regarding the recent furore about the so called ‘huntress’. I won’t put the picture here because I hate it, and I hate to see it. (Hate is a big word, and I don’t often use it, but in this case nothing else will do.) I also won’t repeat the word he used used here, because, well, I’m a good girl….but if the shoe fits….Having said that, every time I see it, or someone mentions it, I think of just how appropriate the word is. And a few choice others besides. Still, it does no good to be vengeful, but I have to ask – why bring such bad karma down on yourself? My goodness, to do such a thing – such a majestic creature – well, that’s asking for trouble. She must have a very low opinion of herself. Its all about respect, in a way, isn’t it. And not only for others.

“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” 
―     Thomas A. Edison

“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”  
―     Leonardo da Vinci

So, as I was saying, Guitar Fish (it seems I went right off the point, this is actually about fish and not spineless people), or Batoid elasmobranchs, under which rays and skates, including guitar fishes (Rhinobatidae) fall, are very closely allied with sharks, hence the name Shark Ray. They are highly complex animals with large brains, and they engage in intricate social behaviour. I am busy sketching one of these wonderful creatures in graphite washes, my little boy loves them, so I thought I’d inspire him a bit. This is where we are at, for now:

Preliminary Sketch

Preliminary Sketch

I remember, we found one once, in another lifetime. He was so very lovely, and had been washed ashore. The memory of that fish has always stayed with me, along with Nudibranchs, fishcals, eels in rock pools. I often wonder what those rock pools look like now… But again I digress. The point is, what will the world be without sharks, tigers, guitar fish, lions, rhinos…It seems they are disappearing before my very eyes, and the world is winding down.

Every year my mother travels to India for a month in December, on a spiritual pilgrimage, for yoga and meditation. She has done this since my dad died in 2006, and she lives for this trip. This year the trip has been postponed until March, and she is completely deflated. It seems to me that in places like this, some things never change, they have stayed the same since time immemorial, and somewhere in themselves those people, who have nothing, find the ability to just give. They give of their time, their food, whatever they have, and they simply carry on. One wonders if there isn’t a simple, pure joy in having so little. The children laugh and smile, and are always so happy. I think we complicate our lives with things and with selfishness. And in the case of many, with greed. I haven’t travelled much, although I’d love to, ever, ever so much. I especially want to go to the Fertile Crescent, and see where the Sea Peoples, Persians and Assyrians plied their daily wares and lived in a world more complete than ours. And of course, to Italy and Greece, to see where the muses and saints went about their daily business among the olive groves and vineyards.

Some things, as I say, never change.

“There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about the sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of a hidden soul beneath”

– Herman Melville (1819 – 1891)

As always, sweet dreams, and sleep tight.



Arabian Nights

Sometimes lately I feel a little lost. Not sure why, I think its because the sea is so far away. My dad always said that the sea is a cure for anything, sadness, loneliness, aches, pains….whatever it was, the sea made it better, and he was right. Indeed, as Isak Dinesen said “The cure for anything is salt water – tears, sweat or the sea”. How true!

Oh well, Sagittarians are never glum for (too) long, and besides, there is another solace for the soul, and that is good food. A crusty homemade rosemary flatbread, with shards of crystal sea salt and cracked black pepper, dipped in just a little liquidy golden-green extra virgin olive oil and syrupy, heavenly balsamic. I think I shall go and make some now, with the darling Mark Knopfler to keep me company.

© Random House/Struik/Mellissa Bushby

This is from the Veg Kitchen. Yum! Don’t you think?

I have started work on a new book, mainly just a few sketches of herbs and edible wildflowers. I have had many requests for more veggie braai recipes, so I will put more in, the new book already has a whole chapter dedicated to this favourite South African pastime. I am also hoping to spend more time on my drawings and sketches, I have realised that I never draw just for me anymore, its always for a deadline, or a book or something. Actually I don’t draw much at all anymore (but please take note of my Sunflower, on my banner. Sunflowers are so cheerful, I think). Anyway, I always seem to be too busy with other things, and somehow I’ve lost the way, and must now find it again.

So, on the bright side, all my loves and inspirations can at last be brought out and dusted off, pens, inks, wildflowers, trees, frogs, insects, and glorious sharks!!! I have been promising the Great White in the sky a worthy tribute, and seeing as its been such a tough year, this is the time. It has become something I love to do, just to sketch the natural things of the world, perhaps because there is actually so much darkness and cruelty out there, especially of late.

My other great love of course, is books. I love books, and maybe one day mine will be whimsical and daring and soul-defyingly wonderful. Merchant of Marvels and Peddler of Dreams wonderful. Achingly, deeply, dare to dream and forever wonderful. What better adventure, dream or fantasy to be had, other than lost in a good book… Treasure Island, with handsome, swashbuckling pirates (actually dirty old crooks, but why be pedantic?); Peter Pan, with sad, lonely lost boys, wandering in the mists of time …second star on the right, straight on til morning; Arabian Nights – hidden doorways and deadly tales, magic slippers … or perhaps spicy peppers….


And not to forget, the fabulous Jonathan Livingstone Seagull…to begin with, you’ve got to understand that a seagull is an unlimited idea of freedom, an image of the Great Gull, and your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip, is nothing more than thought itself…you can go to any time that you wish to go, I’ve gone everywhere and everywhen I can think of, the Elder said.


Go there! It’s not everyday you get to go everywhere and everywhen. And you never know, through the mists of time you may see Heathcliffe and Cathy, together, and beloved.

I have a very loved and well-read book called Living Zen, and somewhere inside it says:

Be Alive,

Be here – and know

the beat of your heart.

There you have it. I leave you with Richard Bach, saying ‘Do you ever wonder if your purpose on earth is fulfilled? If you are still alive, then it isn’t’.

Something like that, at any rate.

Goodnight, and sleep tight.



Of Spiders, Water Lilies, Apples…and a Cat

Malus pumila

Malus pumila

The above from the Veg Kitchen, now a Random House core product! Clever old me (oh yes, the glorious food photography people, my editor and stylist all played a small part…I guess). Looking forward to the next one, July seems so far away.

And because I cannot display photos of only one beautiful feline, here is the other one, my pretty boy, Grymalkin. Unlike Didius, he is a gentle giant, and not a scrapper at all. Both abandoned and ill-treated, I found them when still living on the chilli farm, and they are now, both in their own way, king of the hill. Ok, that’s actually not true – Didius is the boss, in every sense. Grym likes to concentrate on his next meal, then a comfy lap. These are the important things in life, along with lots of love.


The Timbi drive is growing, my drawing should appear on wine labels sometime next year, my little scratches on some of SA’s finest (hopefully there will be a nice full-bodied Merlot among them). The centre now have another four Rhino, which brings the amount up to seven. The Timbi t-shirts are being spotted all over the place, my aunt, who is a marathon runner (crazy thing to do, if you ask me) told me that while doing a biathlon recently, they stopped at a water point, and all the volunteers were wearing Timbi shirts!

On a different but just as exciting note, Africa Wild is compiling an online insect book, and have included two of my photos. I am hoping to do a few more!

See the links here (Fulvous hawk moth):

and here (Acacia katydid):

Mine are not nearly as impressive as some of them, bearing in mind that some of these contributors are professional photographers, but I am quite proud to be included (thanks Silvia). It inspires me to do more, and I definitely do not need an excuse to go out and take photographs, it’s one of my favourite pastimes. And entomology is a fascination of mine, although I have to say that although I love insects and find them fascinating, trees, frogs and flowers are my delight and joy. And who knows, maybe some day I’ll be REALLY good.

This lady lived with us for a while, about 6 months, and brought daily delight to my little boy, who thought she was the coolest thing ever (which she was, in a way). One day she was gone, she packed up all her things and left us, hopefully for greener pastures and not spider heaven. We miss her sorely.

Orb web spider dl

Orb Spider

And here is an example of one of my flower pictures, the very lovely Water Lily:

Water Lily

Water Lily

Now wouldn’t that make a pretty drawing?